Inconsapevole Records stream new compilaton "Punk Rock Against War"

Inconsapevole Records is an Italian independent punk rock label formed in 2001 that has released a new compilation titled "Punk Rock Against War". It contains 75 songs from melodic punk rock bands from all over the world.

Punk Rock against War” is online until 25th December 2018, with only 7,50 euro (or more if you want) you will download a huge compilation with 75 great bands from all over the world (about 10 cents for each song) and at the same time you will give a concrete help to EMERGENCY, a humanitarian organization founded to help civilian victims of war and poverty. What they do: "EMERGENCY provides free, high-quality healthcare to victims of war, poverty and landmines, alongside building hospitals and training local staff. We pursue a human-rights based medicine. The ‘right to be treated’ is a fundamental and inalienable right belonging to each member of the human family and is based on equality, quality, and social responsibility."