This is what Jim Lindberg, singer of Pennywise, said on a recent interview with Bendbulletin.com:
Q: That means a new studio album could be in the works.
A: “We're talking about that. It's very important to me that, if we're going to make music together, we have to be on the same page. That was one of the many unspoken problems I was facing before; we had become very distant in the songwriting process," Lindberg said. “It just got to the point where people would bring in their own songs and instead of the collaboration we pretended it was, people would just bring in finished songs and the other guys would play them.
“That wasn't cool. We had strayed from what it meant to make music together," he said. After 20 years together, “it gets harder to go to that well and have it be fruitful collaboration. But I know we can get back to that. We just have to remember what we loved about playing music. It wasn't about selling records or filling venue seats. It was about playing rad music together."
Click here to read the entire interview.