[NEWS] Forus news

This is what they said on their facebook:


FIRST, and it's a real big news, FORUS comes back in studio for one month in June to record the new album!!! Get ready, it will contain 10 brand new tracks;) We're actually finishing the songs and can't wait to show you the new stuff!!!! BOOOOM!

SECOND, as you can already read on our wall, we're planning on going to Brazil this year!! It's a real fucking huge pleasure to visit one of the best area in the world to play skate punk: South America!!! We're planning the tour with Uira Gomes Medeiros who 's the promoter from UnderMusic Booking! BUT we think it's a pity to don't make a stop on fabulous countries like Peru, Chile, Colombia, Mexico,... so PLEASE if you wanna make this real, and if you are a promoter (or if you know one of them in these countries) please contact us (ilovemyboard@hotmail.fr)!!! Let make this happen, it's gonna be loud!!

THIRD, time to visit the Queen in U.K for maybe 4 or 5 gigs!! We will try to contact some bands from this awesome country and make best parties ever;)

FOURTH, at the end of January, we will upload the artwork and the name of our new album!!! So stay tuned!!!
We're soooo happy with this new year, let's go;)