01. Capitol
02. Medication in Moderation
03. Crossfade
04. Prosperity of Fools
05. Hey You
06. Intelligent Design
07. Youth Wasted
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Formed in 2004, in Jacksonville from the ashes of other bands in the local scene, Doesitmatter combines technical, aggressive-yet-melodic hardcore punk with metal influences to produce a powerful sound that sounds more like the SoCal punk of the mid-90's than the emo and softcore proliferating the airwaves today.
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- skate punk -
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Formed in 2004, in Jacksonville from the ashes of other bands in the local scene, Doesitmatter combines technical, aggressive-yet-melodic hardcore punk with metal influences to produce a powerful sound that sounds more like the SoCal punk of the mid-90's than the emo and softcore proliferating the airwaves today.
- Sample song: Capitol -