Travis Barker talks about blink-182 issue

Now's the turn for the blink-182 drummer Travis Barker. He stopped by The Kevin & Bean Show (KROQ) to talk about the upcoming Musink Festival, the situation with Tom DeLonge, and future of Blink-182.

“It’s kind of a different situation. We had agreed to do this show [Musink], we had planned this in November, or maybe even the end of October. We had all agreed to do it. It was concrete, Blink was headlining Sunday night and the day before New Year’s Eve we got an email saying ‘Tom indefinitely is taking a leave of absence for he doesn’t know how long, it could be forever. More than likely it’s forever and will not be doing anything Blink-related meaning live shows and recordings.”

Click here to read/listen the entire interview.